Girl and Teepee
Our goal is to instill a sense of hope in these forgotten children. Currently there are 700,000 orphans in Russia, 230,000 reside in government operated orphanages.

Our Mission

Faces of Siberia is a non-profit 501c organization that is dedicated to orphans and children in need in the city of Ekaterinburg and the out lying Sverdlovsk region of Russia. The organization was established in 2002 after the adoption of our son from the region.  During that process we witnessed countless situations that could be made better through donations and support. We offer assistance to children’s hospitals and orphanages, local shelters & schools in the region on a case by case basis.

Our mission is focused on school age children currently residing in orphanages in the region, whose chances of being adopted are limited and few. Our programs include the Orphan Artwork Project, The Birthday Club and Summer/Winter Adventure Camps.  These programs afford the children experiences outside the walls of their orphanages. The children who participate in these programs are given a sense of pride and recognition.  Our goal is to instill a sense of hope in these forgotten children.  Currently there are 700,000 orphans in Russia, 230,000 reside in government operated orphanages.

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